Blogosaur FAQ

Blogo-what now?
Blogosaurs is a special rank given to those Bluggin Bloggin Dino's! what do they get?
Blogosaurs get an awesome Blogosaur Gem on their player card and access to the exclusive webosaurs test site and blogosaur forum!

Webosaurs Test Site?! Whats that!?
The webosaurs test site is an exclusive webosaurs site where blogosaurs can test out new feature find bugs and say if the new features are as good as gold or stink like poop!

Cool! Are their any requirements for joining?
For blog owners:

  1. Your Blog should be at least 1 month old!
  2. You should post at least once a week
  3. You must have a link to somewhere on your blog
For Blog Authors:

  1. You need to have been working on the blog for at least a month
  2. Post at least twice a week!
Can I lose my Blogosaur Gem?
Yup, in order to stay a blogosaur you must keep in touch with the requirements! 

I'm going on vacation and cant post! Will I lose my badge!? D:
Dont worry the webosaurs team understand if you need to go on vacation or can't post for any other reason!
Its why you have extra authors! ;D

Ok, So where do I sign up?
Once your blog is 1 month old and you've been posting on it at least once a week (twice a week if author) say so right here! Any proof that you've met the requirements will help convince Ol' Rex and remember to say if your an owner or an author ;)

Well that's all the info I can supply! For the official blogosaur guide page click here
